Wednesday 4 November 2009

What's the word that fits the three sentences?

He's got a good sales __________.

This roof has a very steep/high/gentle/low __________.

A teacher's got to __________ a lesson at the right level for the students.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

What's the word that fits the three sentences?

From December 2005 (0300)

The new government is determined to ________ the recent rise in unemployment levels.

I'd better just ring and ______ what time the pool closes tonight.

If the liquid changes color , you should ____ against the chart to assess the acidity.


sentence transformation

My boss wrongly believes that the project will be completed on time.


My boss is ________________________ the project will be completed on time.

What's the word that fits the three sentences?

She's been _________ up in bed with flu for a week.

Two companies have _________ claim to the design.

We're having a new carpet _________ in the hall next week.


1. What is/lies _____ the root of the problem is their lack of interest.

2. She went to India ______ a spiritual quest.

3. Graham came back from holiday with a week's growth ____ beard on his chin.

4. an assault _____ a police officer

5. It takes a lot of enthusiasm, allied _____ a love of children to make a good teacher.


Sunday 18 October 2009

Gapped sentences

1. There was an unexpected ........ of events in the world of politics today.
2. I always try to do people a good ........ as it doesn't cost anything to be thoughtful.
3. He was born around the ........ of the century.

1. Her father works in the bank and pulled ........ to get her a job.
2. Is this offer as it seems or are there any ........ attached?
3. Two of the ........ on his guitar have snapped.

Thursday 15 October 2009

What's the word that fits the three sentences?

Gill's illness meant that Kathy had to step into the _________.

He was sued for ___________ of contract.

There have been serious security ____________.

Monday 5 October 2009

What's the word that fits the three sentences?


1. The children were told to wait in single ........ at the roadside and not to cross until the teacher said so.
2. The trade unions claim that the rank and ........ of the membership support the call for strike action.
3. The police kept on ........ everything about the case.

tough one (so I thought!)

What's the word that fits the three sentences?

1. The deal was completely open and _________ board.

2. The business is in trouble, but we are just about keeping our heads _________ water.

3. They receive extra money over and _________ the usual welfare payments.

Sunday 4 October 2009

What's the word that fits the three sentences?

1. The allies let _________ an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
2. Brewer escaped from prison last year and has been on the _________ ever since.
3. If you find yourself at a ________ end, you could always clean the bathroom.
* the last one is an expression for "ficar a toa"! Is it used Angela?

Saturday 3 October 2009


Which one word can be used to complete all of the following three sentences?

1. The hospital would only give news to Trudy's ....... family and not her friends and distant relatives.
2. The law will take place with ........ effect.
3. The patient reported experiencing ........ benefits following the operation and is not expected to need any further treatment.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Gapped Sentences

Which one word fits all three sentences?

1. The race finished a ......... heat with both athletes recording exactly the same times.

2. I wouldn't be seen ........ wearing an oufit like that. It looks awful.

3. I was talking to my friend on the phone when all of a sudden the line went .........

Saturday 19 September 2009

Use of English

Think of one word only to complete the sentences:

It's the ___________ of a pilot to look after the welfare of his passengers.

We could go to the cinema this afternoon - I don't go on ________ until seven o´clock.

You do realise that you have to pay ________ on goods imported from abroad, don't you?

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Word transformation

Today's word: "LODGE"
1. I managed to cut down the tree but I just couldn't ........ the roots.
2. We've decided to take in a ........ to help us pay for the rent.
3. I'm looking for temporary ........ while I'm working in the area.


Tuesday 25 August 2009


1) Come on. It's time we ........ the road or we'll miss our flight.

a) thump
b) hit
c) beat

2) I was trying to overtake this driver earlier but he wouldn't move over. He was a real ......... hog

a) road
b) street
c) motorway

3) You're such a backseat ........ If you think you can do better why don't you take the wheel?

a) rider
b) motorist
c) driver

Sunday 23 August 2009

Forming Less Common Prefixes

After many years as a solo researcher, Marion decided to ........ her next article with a colleague in the same field.

The school that Peter goes to has a number of ........ actvities that take place at the end of the school day.

Unless you do a lot of revision before your exams you’re bound to feel ........ .

4. (WIT)
Many children’s tales rely on a dominant character being ........ by an apparently weaker one.

The service in the restaurant was so ......... that I refused to pay for my meal.

Many charities are working to support the needs of ......... children in poorer countries.

7. (THINK)
Our marketing strategy seems to be failing - this demands a ........ at our next board meeting.

8. (KILL)
The security checks at the airport were so stringent that staff were accused of .........

Which one word fits all three sentences?

1. The experiment was a complete failure and they had to go back to the drawing ........

2. Changes to the workforce are far-reaching and will be felt across the .........

3. All the passengers were told to get on ........ the ship and prepare for departure.

Time to knuckle down as never before!

Complete the sentences:

Laura has never lost to Matt at chess before today.
This is ____________________________ at chess by Matt.

Sylvia did the very best she could to ensure that the party was a success.
Sylvia did __________________________ to ensure that the party was a success.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Celebrating the end of the semester !!!

Hi there Folks!

Don´t forget! Next class -this friday (17/07) - at 1 o´clock!

"The Tijuca People" will be taking pasta and sauce - what about you girls - AND Arthur?!
Do you know if there are dinner plates, dessert plates, plastic cups and forks as well in the branch?


Thursday 9 July 2009

Health and Ilness

1)Have you got a glass of water? I seem to have a ......... in my throat.
a) frog
b) toad
c) eel

2)Well, the good news is he's safe and ........ and he's only got a few cuts and bruises.

a) steady
b) sure
c) sound

3)Do you mind if go home early. I feel a bit ........ of sorts.

a) out
b) made
c) down

Wednesday 8 July 2009


1)It's a very ......... schedule but we should be able to get the order to you in time.

a) short
b) tight
c) squeezed

2)There are a few economic problems on the ........ which could affect people's jobs.

a) horizon
b) panorama
c) scene

3)If you could give me the contact details of my opposite ........ at your company, I'll arrange a meeting.

a) position
b) rank
c) number

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Happy Occasions

1)We've been invited round to John and Loiusa's to ......... the baby's head.
a) wash
b) wet
c) splash

2) Are you doing anything special to see ........ the New Year?

a) in
b) up
c) through

3) A couple of people turned up and tried to ........ the party but we soon got rid of them.

a) smash
b) crash
c) bash

Sunday 5 July 2009


1)Who said you can't teach an old ......... new tricks? Maria learnt to drive and she's 59!

a) mutt
b) hound
c) dog

2) I never knew you had to apply in writing. Ah well, you live and .........

a) discover
b) learn
c) understand

3)Cathy has a good ........ for figures. I'm sure she'll be able to help you.

a) head
b) mind
c) brain

Thursday 2 July 2009


1)As soon as you've read and signed the agreement we'll set the wheels in ......... and get the order to you.
a) action
b) rotation
c) motion

2) We need to get someone in to help us ........ the books. Do you know a good accountant?

a) level
b) balance
c) even

3)I'm prepared to take a ........ risk if there's a reasonable chance of sales increasing.

a) formulated
b) evaluated
c) calculated

Wednesday 1 July 2009


1)My bank balance isn't looking very healthy and I've got to ......... out on a new suit for work.

a) spoon
b) knife
c) fork

2)My parents have been putting money away for years as a little ........ egg for when they retire.

a) warm
b) saved
c) nest

3) One day, when I strike it ........, I'm going to buy a property in the sun!

a) rich
b) wealthy
c) well off

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Agreeing and Disagreeing

1)You said earlier that people aren't willing to recycle but I beg to .........
a) disagree
b) differ
c) argue
Some people think the story in the press is all about one reporter wanting to ........ a score with the company!

a) settle
b) complete
c) end
Can you come to my office please. I have a bone to ........ with you.

a) pull
b) pick
c) pinch

Sunday 28 June 2009

Moods and Emotions

1)I'm at my ........ end. I've looked everywhere for my purse and I can't find it anywhere.

a) wits'
b) nerves'
c) senses'
You look really cheesed ........ Is everything OK?

a) up
b) away
c) off
I'm going to do some baby-sitting for Sarah. She sounded at the end of her ........ on the phone and I think she needs a break.

a) lead
b) tether
c) leash

Saturday 27 June 2009

Great news!

I´m not sure if all of you have received the SBS Bookclub catalogue, but as soon as I saw that I had to share it with you:

From R$139,00 for only R$97,30 !!!

"Mas não é só isso!!!"


Friday 26 June 2009

Show must go on...

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” - Michael Jackson

Wednesday 24 June 2009


1)I'm afraid I won't be able to come out this weekend. I'm absolutely snowed ........ with work.
a) in
b) under
c) down
If you ......... down and try to concentrate I'm sure you'll do well in your exams.

a) wrestle
b) grapple
c) knuckle
The doctor's told me to ......... it easy and to avoid stressful situations.

a) take
b) play
c) make

Tuesday 23 June 2009


1)For a working mother, the balancing ........ between work and home is a tough one.
a) trick
b) show
c) act
You're going to have to ......... the nettle and speak to the boss about the problem.

a) grip
b) grasp
c) grab
We've done all we can at our end. The ball's now in your .........

a) court
b) field
c) pitch

Sunday 21 June 2009


1)They really do make the ........ couple. I've never known two people who get on so well.

a) perfect
b) ideal
c) superb
I've heard their marriage is on the ........ and they're getting divorced.

a) bricks
b) stones
c) rocks
It's a match made in ........ And to think they first got together on an Internet dating agency!

a) paradise
b) heaven
c) bliss

Wednesday 17 June 2009


1)I sold that old CD Player on the Internet for £20! Talk about money for old .........!

a) twine
b) string
c) rope
That shop is trying to sell second-hand clothes for almost as much as if they were new. It's daylight ........!

a) robbery
b) theft
c) crime
I wouldn't pay that much. Those shoes are ten a ........ in the local market.

a) dime
b) cent
c) penny

Tuesday 16 June 2009


1)My car's been playing ........ recently. I think I'll pop it into the garage.
a) up
b) down
c) away
You should always have regular breaks when you make long journeys or you could end up falling asleep at the .........

a) windscreen
b) pedal
c) wheel
I think it's time we made ......... I've got to be up early in the morning.

a) tracks
b) paths
c) ways

Monday 15 June 2009


1)Bob got his ........ orders for having too much time off work.
a) striding
b) walking
c) marching
Their interview process isn't at all fair. It's set up to give jobs for the ........ .

a) boys
b) chaps
c) men
Her father used to work in the same profession and taught her all the ........ of the trade.

a) topics
b) tips
c) tricks

Saturday 13 June 2009


1)You can bet your ........ dollar that Peter won't be in today. He always seems to have Wednesday off work.

a) last
b) bottom
c) final
That new cafe in town must be making money hand over ........ Have you seen the queue of people they always have?

a) fist
b) palm
c) wrist
Do you know that man who's always in the club ......... his money around? Someone told me he's gone out of business.

a) passing
b) showing
c) throwing

1 (b) / 2 (a) / 3 (c)

Friday 12 June 2009

Sentence tranformations / HAVE NO

1. I don't mind if you come camping with us.
I have no _______________________________.

2. My mother can't remember what she did as a child.
My mother has no ____________________________.

3. You have to come with me now.
You have no _______________________________.

Sentence tranformations

1. Kindly have a seat as I'm sure Mr Johnson won't be long.

If ______________________________.

2. I wouldn't have been able to afford to go to university except that my grandmother left me some money.

But for _____________________________.

3. Climatic changes may, in due course, render weather lore obsolete.

Were _______________________________.


Thursday 11 June 2009

Crime and Punishment

1)That camera is cheap. Do you think it fell off the ........ of a lorry?
a) back
b) rear
c) behind
Now, I know one of you stole the money but who is going to ........ clean and own up?

a) make
b) act
c) come
Michele has been late for work every day this week but always gets away with it scot .........

a) free
b) loose
c) light

1 (a) / 2 (c) / 3 (a)

Wednesday 10 June 2009


1)You can't always tell someone what's best. They often have to learn the ........ way through their own mistakes.

a) direct
b) difficult
c) hard
Are you trying to teach your grandmother how to ........ eggs? I've been cooking this meal for longer than I can remember!

a) suck
b) blow
c) crack
I couldn't get a grant and had to work my ........ through college.

a) path
b) road
c) way
1 (c) / 2 (a) / 3 (c)

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Health and Ilness

1)Sam won't be coming to school today. He's ........ a bit of a temperature.
a) having
b) showing
c) running
Thomas took a ........ for the worse during the night but he seems to be a lot better this morning.

a) turn
b) move
c) shift
For a woman of her age she is in ........ health and a real inspiration.

a) sharp
b) impolite
c) rude

1 (c) / 2 (a) / 3 (c)

Monday 8 June 2009


1)I'm sorry, but I can't spend time with Karen. She really gets ........ my nerves.
a) in
b) under
c) on
I think it would be best if you kept Chris at ........ length. You don't seem to be getting on very well with each other lately.

a) hands
b) arms
c) fingers
They both met at the local art class and really ........ it off.

a) hit
b) knocked
c) banged

1(c) / 2(b) / 3(a)

Saturday 6 June 2009


1)I know you can't give me an exact price but I'd appreciate a ball ........ figure so that I can let my team know.

a) park
b) court
c) field
I hate it when a local business goes belly ........ It's sad to see a small business fail.

a) out
b) over
c) up
If you want to make sure your business is running efficiently you need to get yourself a good number ........ to keep your accounts in order.

a) cruncher
b) juggler
c) squeezer

1(a) / 2(c) /3(a)


Hi, guys! As some people asked me last Friday, I'll post the answers as well at the bottom of the page, right?

See you!


Depart, retreat, retire

Which verb fits each sentence? (you'll have to use one of them twice)

a) At this point in the speech, the minister _________ from his prepared text.

b) After dinner the host said, "Shall we _________ to the drawing room?"

c) When he's done something wrong, he __________ to his bedroom.

d) Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to _________.


Wear and tear

Do you guys remember this from our last session?
Now which verbs collocates with it?

"Seat covers on train _______ a lot of wear and tear."

a) get
b) take
c) suffer


Friday 5 June 2009

"to lure"

This verb is in our first REAL mock.. uhhh

I found some synonyms: lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce... BUT:

Lure suggests the use of something that attracts like bait
eg: Industry often lures scientists from universities by offering them huge salaries.

To entice is to draw on skillfully, as by arousing hopes or desires
e.g The teacher tried to entice the shy child into entering the classroom.

Inveigle implies winning over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk
e.g He inveigled a friend into becoming his law partner.

To decoy is to trap or ensnare by cunning or deception
e.g. Partisans dressed as simple farmers decoyed the soldiers into the crossfire.

Tempt implies an encouragement or an attraction to do something, especially something immoral, unwise, or contrary to one's better judgment:
e.g I am tempted to tell him what I really think of him.

To seduce is to entice away and usually suggests the overcoming of moral resistance:
e.g. "The French King attempted by splendid offers to seduce him from the cause of the Republic" Thomas Macaulay.

xoxo Mari

Thursday 4 June 2009

Food and Drink

1)We've got some officials coming over next week who we're intending to ........ and dine.

a) feed
b) wine
c) drink
The restaurant was lovely and the fish was done to a .........

a) turn
b) roll
c) twist
I told you not to put too much on your plate children. Your ........ are bigger than your belly.

a) eyes
b) mouth
c) teeth

PAIN (verbs and nouns)

I started doing some reserach trying to answer a previsou post and came across lots of verbs to express PAIN...

Are you familiar with these?

- to prickle [T] If thin sharp objects prickle you, they cause slight pain by touching against your skin
e.g. She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.

- to tingle [I] 1 to have a feeling as if a lot of sharp points are being put quickly and lightly into your body: My toes and fingers are tingling with the cold.
e.g. There's a line in that poem that makes my spine tingle every time I read it.

- to sting 2 to cause sharp but usually temporary pain: The soap/smoke/sweat stung my eyes. e.g. This type of disinfectant doesn't sting, even if you put it on a fresh cut.

- itch [I] to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin which makes you want to rub it with your nails
e.g. I can't wear wool - it makes me itch.

- pierce [I + adverb or preposition; T] to go into or through something, making a hole in it using a sharp point
e.g. The needle pierces the fabric four times a second.

- twinge /noun [C] a sudden short feeling of physical or mental pain
e.g. I felt a twinge in my knee.
e.g. He was feeling twinges from a calf injury after 20 minutes of the game.

- smart (STING) [I] 1 to cause someone to feel a stinging pain
e.g. My eyes were smarting from the onions.

- pang / noun [C] a sudden sharp feeling, especially of painful emotion
e.g. a pang of jealousy
e.g. We hadn't eaten since yesterday and the hunger pangs were getting harder to ignore.

CU all tomorrow!
xoxo Mari

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Health and Ilness

1)Apparently, John's on the ........ following his operation and could be home this week.

a) fix
b) repair
c) mend
I've been sitting in the same position for too long. I've got pins and ........ in my leg.

a) screws
b) needles
c) nails
Poor old Simon is in a ........ way. He sprained his ankle jogging and now can't get around at all.

a) bad
b) poor
c) ill

Tuesday 2 June 2009


1)Be careful. The managers are on the ........ over that email that was sent out to all staff criticising management.

a) march
b) rampage
c) warpath
It's a good job. The boss keeps us all on our ........ but everyone is keen to do well and there's a great atmosphere.

a) toes
b) feet
c) legs
It takes courage to put your ........ on the line when there's a difficult decision to be made.

a) arm
b) body
c) neck

Monday 1 June 2009

Happy Occasions

1)They've been married for 50 years and they're going to ........ the occasion with a huge family party.

a) signal
b) show
c) mark

It's a red-........ day for the school as they've had a record number of students passing their exams!

a) letter
b) flag
c) carpet

3)Are you going to lay ........ a party for your daughter's 21st birthday?

a) in
b) on
c) out

Sunday 31 May 2009

Which word fits the three sentences?

He's like his father in so many ways and is a real chip off the old .........
They live in a ........ of flats in the city centre.
I had a complete mental ........ and couldn't remember the registration number of my car.

Which word fits all sentences?

An over-protected childhood meant that at the age of 22 she had no idea about the ________ world.

I'm now on my way and I'll be there in three hours at the __________.

There's still an _________ chance that Scotland will get through into the World Cup

Hmm I like doing this!!!! xoxo

Which word fits all sentences?

If we can raise enough money, there's a _________ chance (that) we can save the project

Don't take no for an answer - where's your __________ spirit?

At 73, she's still _________ fit, walking five miles a day.


Saturday 30 May 2009

Speaking Task: Sport and Fitness

Useful language:

To get the most of
State of the art facilities
Indoor and outdoor facilities
A wide range of activities
To have equipment for hire
To book facilities/sessions
To run taster sessions
Highly-qualified staff
To devise personal exercise programmes
To carry out fitness assessments
Membership fees
To take care of yourself
To have a healthly lifestyle
To burn off calories
To lose weight

Taken from: Splendid Speaking

Possibility and Probability

1)I think we need to leave ........ the possibility that Simon has decided not to come to the party.

a) open
b) vacant
c) free

Your dog ate your homework? That's a ........ story!

a) realistic
b) possible
c) likely

3)There's a ........ chance I won't be at work tomorrow. I might have to stay at home to wait for a delivery.

a) fine
b) slim
c) thin

Friday 29 May 2009


A gable is the generally triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof. The shape of the gable and how it is detailed depends on the structural system being used (which is often related to climate and availability of materials) and aesthetic concerns. Thus the type of roof enclosing the volume dictates the shape of the gable.

Portuguese: "Gablete"

Thursday 28 May 2009


1)Schools should go back to ........ and make sure children can read, write and do simple maths.

a) fundamentals
b) basics
c) bases

Nobody thought he would make the ........ but he surprised them all and ended up going to university.

a) grade
b) level
c) mark

I've been reading these instructions again and again but I just can't ........ my head around them.

a) put
b) get
c) make

Wednesday 27 May 2009


1)I've just spoken to their sales department and they think they can supply us with what we need. But they have got a track record of not delivering the ........

a) products
b) goods
c) items

We had a salesman in the office earlier trying to give us the ........ sell with a new photocopier. We just couldn't get rid of him.

a) strong
b) heavy
c) hard

I'm enjoying having my own business but if there's one thing I hate doing it's cold ........ to try to get new orders.

a) calling
b) phoning
c) ringing

Tuesday 26 May 2009


1)Frank used to make a ........ selling insurance before he went into teaching.
a) income
b) wage
c) living

If you'd like to make a ........ buck do you fancy helping me with a job on Saturday?

a) quick
b) rapid
c) speedy

We're beginning to ........ the pinch since Graham started to work part-time.

a) have
b) see
c) feel

Monday 25 May 2009

Agreeing and Disagreeing

1)Sorry, but I've got to ........ issue with you over something you said earlier.
a) raise
b) make
c) take

This discussion could go on for hours. Shall we just agree to ........ and move on?

a) differ
b) argue
c) disagree

The two sides in the dispute are ........ odds over how to deal with the problem.

a) at
b) in
c) on

Saturday 23 May 2009

CPE Collocations

Complete each of the following sentences with the word that collocates with the words in bold.


1. Victoria has a working ........ of Chinese, which she needs for her job as an international corporate lawyer.

2. The defendant told the judge that she accepted full ........ for her actions and that she would plead guilty.

3. After William realised his mistake he was forced to ........ his pride and apologise.

4. I thought I ........ my position absolutely clear. Either he goes or I do!

5. Tanya came away from the interview with the overriding ........ that she wouldn’t get the job.

6. Although my mother’s in her seventies she is still very young at ........

7. When the shop assistant refused the customer a refund, he was met with a torrent of ........

8. The drowning boy was pulled out of the river and ........ the kiss of life by a medic.

Moods and Emotions

Complete the following colloquial expressions:

If you need any help just ........ the word and I'll be round immediately.
a) speak
b) say
c) utter

Look, if there's something the matter just get it off your ........ and stop sitting there with a long face!

a) chest
b) head
c) stomach

The builder was late again today. If he's not here at 9.00 tomorrow I'm really going to give him a ........ of my mind.

a) piece
b) bit
c) part

Thursday 21 May 2009

1)The children have been in ........ spirits since we told them about the holiday we've booked.

a) high
b) wide
c) deep

I'm as pleased as ........ to be nominated for the award.

a) punch
b) push
c) pull

One minute Sue was quite happy and the next she stormed off in a ........ of pique about a comment someone had made.

a) act
b) fit
c) sign

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Character Traits

1)Anna is the ........ of the earth and very popular with all her colleagues.
a) stone
b) soil
c) salt

Our daughter's teacher has got a heart of ........ and is always prepared to spend extra time with the children to help them with their work.

a) silver
b) gold
c) jewels

I'd be careful what you say to Stephan. He's got rather a ........ temper.

a) fast
b) quick
c) snappy

Tuesday 19 May 2009


1)We were sitting in the hospital waiting room twiddling our ........ for hours until we were seen.

a) fingers
b) thumbs
c) hands

We've been up to our ........ in work lately. I've never known it to be so busy.

a) nose
b) hair
c) eyes

You'll never persuade him to help you with the garden. He's bone ........ .

a) idle
b) lazy
c) still

Monday 18 May 2009


1)We were sitting in the meeting when the boss ........ the bombshell and told us the business was being sold.

a) ignited
b) exploded
c) dropped

I put a brave ........ on things but I was actually feeling quite sad.

a) look
b) face
c) view

Rather than trying to fight a losing ........ you should accept you were wrong and move on.

a) battle
b) war
c) struggle

Sunday 17 May 2009

Power and Politics

1)Dad's ........ his soapbox again, going on about what the Government's doing wrong.

a) at
b) on
c) in

I really don't know who to vote for. Can't I just ........ on the fence?

a) sit
b) stand
c) lie

Mathew is a useful person to know as he has friends in ........ places.

a) main
b) big
c) high

Saturday 16 May 2009

When things cannot be said...

Well, I must confess, I´m really into make up and fashion... but, this blog is all about CPE, isn´t it?!
Well, I read this text on the same day, to be more precise, some hours before taking the test, now, I really feel like sharing it with you!

"A lingua inglesa faz parte do meu dia a dia, as vezes quase que com exclusividade. Mesmo tendo um nivel de ingles avancado, nao sao raras as vezes em que me vejo em situacoes nas quais nao consigo me comunicar. E nao porque nao conheco o vocabulario, mas porque as palavras parecem fugir da minha cabeca.

Conto isto porque ha um tempo atras tive uma situacao dessas. Tinha acabado de voltar de um jantar e estava caminhando para a porta da minha casa, quando notei que um cara colocou a latinha vazia de cerveja em cima da minha caixa de correios e saiu andando normalmente. Como se a minha caixa de correios fosse apoio de lixo de bebado.

Eu sinceramente nao tenho a minima paciencia para a falta de consideracao dos outros. Tenho certeza que se fosse a caixa de correios da casa dele, ele nao teria colocado a sua lata de cerveja vazia. Mas como nao e a casa dele, pouco importa.

Geralmente eu engulo a seco este tipo de coisa, mas dessa vez eu dei um basta ao meu silencio. Minha vontade era de gritar pra ele: - Escuta aqui seu folgado! Ta achando que a minha casa e lugar de voce jogar lixo? Pois nao e nao! Pode voltar e buscar a sua latinha aqui.

Como voces podem ver, meu texto mental era perfeito. Mas na hora que abri a boca para falar em ingles a unica coisa que saiu foi isso: - Hey, you forgot something here!

Cade a parte do folgado? Cade a parte do venha aqui buscar? Cade a parte da indignacao de fazer a minha casa de lixo? Tudo sumiu! Na hora so consegui dizer "Ei, voce esqueceu algo aqui" e entregar a latinha na mao dele. Me senti uma tonta por nao ter conseguido exprimir em ingles o que eu estava pensando naquele momento. Mas tambem, como traduzir a palavra folgado? Como conseguir dar o mesmo sentido da frase, sem perder nenhuma entonacao?

O final dessa historia e que o cara pegou a latinha na mao e saiu andando, como se nada tivesse acontecido. Ele nao mostrou cara de arrependido nem de sem graca. Ai algumas horas depois voltou la na minha casa e devolveu a latinha na minha caixa de correios.

Ingenuidade da minha parte achar que ele pudesse ter aprendido um pouco de civilidade com essa experiencia. De fato quem aprendeu algo fui eu: mesmo fluente, o inglesa ainda e uma lingua estranha a mim.

Dia desses olhando uns videos no YouTube encontrei uma entrevista do comediante Fabio Porchat, na qual ele conta uma experiencia em que ele tentou dar um esporro em ingles. O video e divertido e vale a pena ser conferido!"

This text was written by Larissa Morato, the blog owner, the video mentioned above can be watched there.
And if you´re interested in make up, itá also a great place to go!

Thursday 14 May 2009


1)Paul has been using the Internet to search for an old ........ of his.
a) spark
b) light
c) flame

Clare shouldn't really be thinking about meeting someone new yet as she's still ........ the rebound.

a) on
b) in
c) at

3) You won't get any sense out of Alex at the moment. He's head over ........ in love.

a) toes
b) heels
c) feet

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Which one word fits all three sentences?

1. The brutal military regime has .... fear into the whole population.
2. She ... a match and lit another cigarette.
3. The management and the employees eventually ... a bargain.

1. She’s been ... a grudge against her boss ever since her transfer was refused.
2. ... criminals is an offence in law.
3. I’m certainly not ... a secret passion for that man, if that’s what you’re thinking.

1. Her doctor was at ... in not sending her straight to the specialist.
2. It’s depressing to have someone always finding ... with your work.
3. I can’t phone my Dad - there seems to be a ... on the line.

Which one word fits all three sentences?

1. The French railway ... is the most advanced in Europe.
2. Massive investment is needed to improve the country’s telephone ... .
3. The country’s extensive ... of secret agents has kept the government informed of its opponents’ activities.

Time and Frequency

1)You were supposed to be here at 9.00 o'clock! Never mind. Better ........ than never.

a) late
b) delayed
c) overdue

2) What are you waiting for? Give her a call now. There's no time like the .........

a) reality
b) immediacy
c) present

We just popped into the travel agent on the spur of the ........ and booked a holiday.

a) instant
b) moment
c) time

Which one word fits all three sentences?

1. I wonder if this new clue will ..... any further light on the mystery.
2. If you are caught driving without a licence, the police will .... the book at you.
3. We have decided to .... a party to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

Tuesday 12 May 2009


Have you got any loose ........ on you? I've only got notes.
a) money
b) change
c) cash

Have you seen that new car Salvatore has bought? That must have cost a ........ penny.

a) pretty
b) nice
c) shiny

Instead of paying through the ........ for expensive designer clothes why don't you look around in one of the ordinary shops?

a) eyes
b) nose
c) mouth

Saturday 9 May 2009


Complete the following colloquial expressions:
1)If you keep working all the ........ God sends you're going to burn yourself out.

a) periods
b) time
c) hours
Well done! If you 'work all the hours God sends' you work extremely long hours. Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.

Edward was my right- ........ man during my time with the company.

a) hand
b) arm
c) side
Well done! A 'right-hand man' is a very important assistant at work. Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.

There's a very clear pecking ........ in the organisation and everybody knows their place.

a) order
b) level
c) system

Sunday 26 April 2009

Checking pronunciation

Hi, folks! Here's a link to check pronunciation. It's worth trying it!
I hope you enjoy it.


Thursday 23 April 2009

Great site

Here goes a link to a wonderful site for our practice. There are even listening exercises. I hope you enjoy it!


Vocab: Parts of the body as verbs

Girls and guy,

remember that we saw the verb to elbow your way into a place in our very first lesson?
I have come across other verbs!

to shoulder responsibility/the blame/the burden: to accept you're responsible for sth bad or difficult

to foot the bill/the cost/the expenses : to pay (informal)

to thumb a lift

to thumb your nose at sb/sth: to show a lack of respect

to mouth off: to express your opinions too loudly and publicly (disapproving)

xoxo Mari

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Speaking task

Assuming your task is to talk about the subject: "Does travel broaden the mind?" the suggested vocabulary is
To see the world
To go globetrotting
To develop cultural awareness/cross cultural understanding
To become more open-minded
To break down barriers
Cultural/national stereotypes
To have fixed opinions
To become more tolerant
To experience first hand
Mass tourism
Effect on the local population/indigenous population
Tourist trap

Expressions to offer examples:

For example
For instance
Take...for example
To give you an example
By way of example
A case in point is
To illustrate this
To show you what I mean


Complete the following colloquial expressions:
1) The new owner is known to be ruthless and his first action is likely to be getting rid of any dead ......... in the organisation.

a) foliage
b) matter
c) wood
2)If I can only get my foot in the ........ somehow I'm sure I can make an impression.

a) building
b) door
c) room
3)The deal isn't cut and ........ yet but I'm pretty confident we'll agree terms.

a) dried
b) tied
c) dyed

Sunday 19 April 2009

Working with vocabulary

The CPE Speaking Test

If you're studying for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, welcome to our guide to the CPE Speaking test. Here's an overview of the oral paper (Paper 5) and advice to help you as you get ready for the interview.

Friday 17 April 2009

Use of English

Which one word fits all three sentences?

1. You can borrow as much as you like within ........
2. It stands to ........ that she'll be feeling anxious so soon before her exams.
3. There is every ........ to believe that the company will get the new order as they have built up such a good relationship with their customer.

(from flo-joe)


FYI - "at sixes and sevens"

The idiom comes from "betting in a game of dice. The phrase originally meant to bet on only on the highest points that could be won, therefore to bet carelessly or foolishly"

taken from the Longman Dictionary of English Idioms


(the blond one)

Sunday 12 April 2009


Complete the following colloquial expressions:
1) Stephanie is always _________ the buck when she does something wrong. I wish she'd take a bit more responsibility for her mistakes.
a) passing
b) tossing
c) throwing

2) I think I'm going to have to take the bull by the ______ and go see the boss about my problems.
a) horns
b) ears
c) nose

3) The older people get the less likely they are to throw ______ to the wind.
a) care
b) caution
c) safety
Help me out, guys!!!

This is the beginning of an open cloze about Cartier-Bresson:

"He believed that photography __________ capture meaning _______ outward appearance and so his camera accompanied him _________ he went in the world."

I can't see why my choice for the third gap was inappropriate! What would you guys write?


Saturday 4 April 2009

All you want to know about English

Great site! I hope I can contribute to your study!

See you, folks!

Friday 3 April 2009

Words of Connection

Useful tool for the writing parts of our test. Hope you like it. See you.

See you.

Your birthday and you

Take a look and have some fun:


Thursday 2 April 2009

How Do You Say Box

Hi everyone,

What have you been up to?

By now you must have realised that CPE is all about vocabulary. How about making the most of this space and exchange some words? I'm sure we'll have a blast, be in our element, get a kick out of it, take (a) delight in it, have a whale of a time, it will be a good laugh, self-indulgent, ...
... well, you got the point ;)

Happy postings,


PS> Ângela, thanks for the invitation, U rock

Sentence Transformation - conditionals

1 We would have missed our connecting train if we had not caught the earlier plane.
Had ………………………………, we would have missed our connecting train. NOT

2 I couldn’t have bought that motorbike unless my mother had agreed to pay the monthly repayments. AGREEING
But ……………………………… pay the monthly repayments I could never have bought that motorbike.

3 Purchases may be refunded within seven days. MIND
Should ……………………………… your purchase you have up to seven days to bring it back for a refund.

Monday 30 March 2009


Hi everyone!

I saw a great movie last night and thought i´d share with you guys! It´s a story about this girl - she´s a teacher, by the way ;-) - and she´s just... happy!
At first, it actually bothered me to see her go about being cheerful and smiling at everyone, regardless if they were rude or how rude they were; but then, you see her in contrast to all these other people - 'normal' ones - and they are all frustrated, neurotic, sad, lonely, on the verge of having a nervous breakdown (like so many 'normal' people that pass us by everyday). I then realised - what´s wrong with her being just happy? In the end, the message is absolutely uplifting!
Anyway, i´ll say no more - i don´t want to spoil the fun for those of you who decide to go check it out!

Just one last thing: I loved finding out what the title of the movie means - Happy-go-lucky is an easy-going person, who goes through life with a care in the world; did you guys know that one?!
Have a look at the definition:

and at the trailer:

See you on Friday!


:: Natascha Otoya ::

Sunday 29 March 2009

BBC News

Have fun and practice for our victory:


Tips on how to write compositions:

Use of English

Complete the sentences with the same word:

1. The local buses charge a ________ fare of 70p to the town centre.

2. Jeff's demand for a meeting with management was met with a _______ refusal.

3. My car battery's completely ___________ because I must have left the lights on all night.


Hi, guys. I was preparing a lesson when I came across this site on idioms. I hope you enjoy it!



Buckling down!

How do we say "perua" in English?
And what about "bata"? "Jurar a bandeira"? "Onde Judas perdeu as botas"?
A team of Cultura teachers created Lexikosnet, a blog devoted to unsolved translations. Have fun!

Are you into fashion?

Never mind!
But check out some idioms related to clothes:
I do look awesome!

Saturday 28 March 2009

I´m curious...

This is a peculiar site....

Tell me what you believe now...

Nothing actually happens , but as you click ENTER a new "belief" is revealed!
You can even submit your own ideas!

Have fun!

I do believe we´ll be successful CPE certificate holders, what about you?!

I believe you all know about it.

Alone we are nothing, together we can definitely make a difference!


Friday 27 March 2009

Having some fun

Complete the gaps with the missing words:

A) The new boss seems to have_____________ a shine to you. She's giving you all the easy jobs!

B) Despite being like _________ and cheese they've both been very successful as a business partnership.

C) I've __________ touch with so many of my old friends. I must make an effort to contact them soon.

Collective nouns

Hi, guys! If you happen to have problems with collective nouns, here's some help:

Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday 26 March 2009

Have fun!

This website is addressed to pet lovers, but the ones who are not may also like to check it out.

Word formation

1. A high level of expenditure has caused a ......... in our funds. DEPLETE

2. He’s very ......... with the government’s handling of the economy. ILLUSION

3. The incident could have ......... consequences for the government. DESIRE

Monday 23 March 2009

Keeping up with accents!

I hope you enjoy this one:

See you folks!

Sunday 22 March 2009

BBC - Learning English site

It's me again!

I've found another interesting site for our practice. I hope you enjoy it!


Saturday 21 March 2009

English Proverbs

A taste of something interesting: English Proverbs

Here follows the link to the site:

I hope you enjoy it!

Let's try this one!

Now complete the gaps with the missing words.

A) You started here as a young man and have worked your _______ to the top.

B) Kevin always switches off when he leaves the office and you'll never catch him talking ___________ .

C) I've been looking for a program that will help me weed ________ all the junk email I keep getting.

Friday 20 March 2009

CPE books

These are the books we'll be using this year.
Let's start using CPE 5 in May.

Monday 16 March 2009

Gimme some CAKE!

Enjoy the ride buddies!


Sunday 15 March 2009

All of us will be champions

I feel very enthusiastic about taking this course. Angela Dias is a perfect moderator as she guides us in a way that softens the pressure of having to study hard. The group is really nice and I'm sure we are going to help each other as much as we can.

We are going to make it!

Fatima Guedes

An easy one to start with.

1. It is difficult to fully …… certain pieces of jazz music until you’ve heard them a good few times.
2. Although I’m always ready to lend a hand, Marta never really seems to ..... the things I do for her.
3.Given the market for decorative antiques, I’d say that the value of that beautiful vase is set to ..... considerably in the next few years

Welcome to the 'CPE for Teachers' Blog!

We are the champions!

Onwards and upwards!