Friday 12 June 2009

Sentence tranformations

1. Kindly have a seat as I'm sure Mr Johnson won't be long.

If ______________________________.

2. I wouldn't have been able to afford to go to university except that my grandmother left me some money.

But for _____________________________.

3. Climatic changes may, in due course, render weather lore obsolete.

Were _______________________________.



Angela said...

Why don't you give the exercise above a try?
If you need help, please refer to the Language in Use Section in Unit 4 in Masterclass.

xoxo said...


1 - If you would have a seat, Mr. Johnson is on his way.

2 - But for my grandmother left me some money, I wouldn't have been able to afford to go to university.

3 - Were it not for the climatic changes, weather lore would not be rendered obsolete.

Did I get ANYTHING right?