Thursday 23 April 2009

Vocab: Parts of the body as verbs

Girls and guy,

remember that we saw the verb to elbow your way into a place in our very first lesson?
I have come across other verbs!

to shoulder responsibility/the blame/the burden: to accept you're responsible for sth bad or difficult

to foot the bill/the cost/the expenses : to pay (informal)

to thumb a lift

to thumb your nose at sb/sth: to show a lack of respect

to mouth off: to express your opinions too loudly and publicly (disapproving)

xoxo Mari


Renata Sabino said...

Hey, I love this one: TO BAD MOUTH - it means to say bad things about someone.

Renata Sabino said...

And there´s also TO HEAD OFF TO somewhere - to go somewhere.

Angela said...


Fatima Guedes said...

TO NAIL STH DOWN - to fix and agree to the details of it

TO PALM STH - to steal sth

Mary said...

I have just looked PALM up. There is also to palm sth off, which means to give away something, or persuade someone to accept something, because you do not want it and you know it has no value:

She tried to palm her old car off on me.

and TO NOSE AROUND would be to look around or search in order to discover something, especially something that other people do not want you to find:

There were some journalists nosing about/around.
The police came in and started nosing into drawers and looking through papers.