Saturday 27 August 2011

Word formation (Flo-Joe)

1. The man sat in the doctor’s waiting room, nervously ................ his lips every so often, whilst he waited to be called. (MOIST)

2. The company installed a water cooler in the main office which would ........ the drinking water. (PURE)

3. A number of directives have been passed recently with the aim of ................ work practices across different countries.(HARMONY)

4. The girl’s parents suspected she was taking drugs because her eye pupils were so ......... (LARGE)

5. A number of world-renowned ........ addressed the conference. (HISTORY)

6. The results of the medical tests showed that the patient had several ......... of the brain that required urgent treatment. (NORMAL)

7. I was so embarrassed when I dropped the ........ of boxes I’d been carrying right in the middle of the road. (ARM)

8. The computer system requires several ........ checks a month. (MAINTAIN)

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