Saturday 27 August 2011

Word formation (Flo-Joe)

Try this online exercise:

Word formation (Flo-Joe)

1. The old man felt ........ by the dreadful living conditions he had experienced when he was growing up.  (BITTER)

2. Many young people train in gyms in order to achieve a toned ......... physique. (MUSCLE)

3. Jackie’s daughter is a rather ........ child - she’s full of mischief and badly-behaved. (TROUBLE)

4. The living room looked cold and ........ when the fire wasn’t lit. (INVITE)

5. The romantic novel started with a young woman staring ........ into the fire. What a cliché! (DREAM)

6. John muttered ........ under his breath about the volume of work he’d been given but he didn’t dare complain to the boss. (CONTENT)

7. As I climbed aboard the plane I was ........ reminded of the previous time when my plane almost crashed.

8. The newspaper reported that an old woman had been ........ treated while she was in hospital. (SHAME)

Word formation (Flo-Joe)

1. The man sat in the doctor’s waiting room, nervously ................ his lips every so often, whilst he waited to be called. (MOIST)

2. The company installed a water cooler in the main office which would ........ the drinking water. (PURE)

3. A number of directives have been passed recently with the aim of ................ work practices across different countries.(HARMONY)

4. The girl’s parents suspected she was taking drugs because her eye pupils were so ......... (LARGE)

5. A number of world-renowned ........ addressed the conference. (HISTORY)

6. The results of the medical tests showed that the patient had several ......... of the brain that required urgent treatment. (NORMAL)

7. I was so embarrassed when I dropped the ........ of boxes I’d been carrying right in the middle of the road. (ARM)

8. The computer system requires several ........ checks a month. (MAINTAIN)

Question on "Sakespeare in Love" (Flo-Joe). Is anyone interested?

Writing Paper Part 2. Task Type: Letter

Set-Text. Shakespeare in Love (A Screenplay)

Your local film group is organising a debate with the following motion: "The role of drama is to transport the reader to another world.".
Write a letter to the chair of the film group offering to speak in favour of the motion, using 'Shakespeare in Love' to illustrate your argument. You should describe the ways in which the film 'transports the reader to another world'. (around 300 - 350 words).

Content: You should discuss the different ways in which the writers of 'Shakespeare in Love' successfully transport the audience. In support of the argument, reference may be made to events and plot, setting, and characters in the screenplay/film. Quotes from the screenplay/film may be included as long as they are relevant, but this is not essential.
Range: Language of description, argument, persuasion and recommendation.

Organisation: The letter should have the correct layout, but without postal addresses. Paragraphing should be logical and helpful to the reader. The screenplay/film title and authors should be clearly stated early on in the letter.
Register: Could be formal or semi-formal.

Target reader: The chair of the film group would be informed about the film and whether or not the writer would be a suitable candidate to speak in the debate.

Language accuracy: Does not have to be completely accurate but any errors should be minimal.

Begin your letter with reference to the debate and your offer to speak.

Make a list of aspects of drama that can 'transport the reader' e.g. an unusual setting, a different time period, the social milieu, the characters' professional and domestic lives, etc.

Then, select some of the events, and descriptions of setting/characters/social aspects from 'Shakespeare in Love' that best show how the screenwriters, Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard, successfully create another world.

- historical setting: London in 1593
- Shakespeare as a main character: his early professional life and loves
- social setting: attitudes to women and marriage

Finally, sum up your recommendation for the film. Why should people see it? Who would enjoy it particularly?

People who watch films for escapism will enjoy this drama...

Drafting and proofreading your work

You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:

  • Have you answered the question fully?
  • Is the layout and organisation appropriate for a letter of this kind?
  • Is the language accurate with a good range of structures?
  • Is the style appropriate and consistent for your letter?
  • Will it help the audience members to appreciate the importance of the work you have selected?

If the answer is 'no' to any of these questions then you will need to do some more drafting!.

Gapped sentences (Flo-Joe)

'He'll be perfectly safe on the trip and won't come to any  .........'

'Why don't you ask for a pay rise? There's no ........ in  trying.'

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean any ......... I haven't hurt you, have I?'