Tuesday 25 May 2010

Frequently Asked Questions - Listening

Which accents are used in the Listening paper?In General English examinations, there is a range of accents. These correspond to standard variants of English native speaker accents, and to English non-native speaker accents that approximate to the norms of native speaker accents, as this is what people have to listen to in real life.

Is wrong spelling penalised in the Listening paper?Where candidates are asked to produce answers containing a word or words, as in Part 2, these must be spelled correctly. However, items are extensively pretested and care is taken that no word targeted as an answer causes candidates undue spelling problems.

Are candidates supposed to write the words they hear on the recording in answers to Part 2, or do they get more marks if they use their own words?Candidates should try to use the actual words they hear on the CD. They do not get more marks for using their own words.

In the Listening paper, can candidates fill in the answer sheet directly?There is nothing to prevent candidates from doing this. However, it is recommended that candidates put their answers on the question paper while listening to the recording and then transfer these answers to the answer sheet when the recording has finished.

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