Monday 30 March 2009


Hi everyone!

I saw a great movie last night and thought i´d share with you guys! It´s a story about this girl - she´s a teacher, by the way ;-) - and she´s just... happy!
At first, it actually bothered me to see her go about being cheerful and smiling at everyone, regardless if they were rude or how rude they were; but then, you see her in contrast to all these other people - 'normal' ones - and they are all frustrated, neurotic, sad, lonely, on the verge of having a nervous breakdown (like so many 'normal' people that pass us by everyday). I then realised - what´s wrong with her being just happy? In the end, the message is absolutely uplifting!
Anyway, i´ll say no more - i don´t want to spoil the fun for those of you who decide to go check it out!

Just one last thing: I loved finding out what the title of the movie means - Happy-go-lucky is an easy-going person, who goes through life with a care in the world; did you guys know that one?!
Have a look at the definition:

and at the trailer:

See you on Friday!


:: Natascha Otoya ::

Sunday 29 March 2009

BBC News

Have fun and practice for our victory:


Tips on how to write compositions:

Use of English

Complete the sentences with the same word:

1. The local buses charge a ________ fare of 70p to the town centre.

2. Jeff's demand for a meeting with management was met with a _______ refusal.

3. My car battery's completely ___________ because I must have left the lights on all night.


Hi, guys. I was preparing a lesson when I came across this site on idioms. I hope you enjoy it!



Buckling down!

How do we say "perua" in English?
And what about "bata"? "Jurar a bandeira"? "Onde Judas perdeu as botas"?
A team of Cultura teachers created Lexikosnet, a blog devoted to unsolved translations. Have fun!

Are you into fashion?

Never mind!
But check out some idioms related to clothes:
I do look awesome!

Saturday 28 March 2009

I´m curious...

This is a peculiar site....

Tell me what you believe now...

Nothing actually happens , but as you click ENTER a new "belief" is revealed!
You can even submit your own ideas!

Have fun!

I do believe we´ll be successful CPE certificate holders, what about you?!

I believe you all know about it.

Alone we are nothing, together we can definitely make a difference!


Friday 27 March 2009

Having some fun

Complete the gaps with the missing words:

A) The new boss seems to have_____________ a shine to you. She's giving you all the easy jobs!

B) Despite being like _________ and cheese they've both been very successful as a business partnership.

C) I've __________ touch with so many of my old friends. I must make an effort to contact them soon.

Collective nouns

Hi, guys! If you happen to have problems with collective nouns, here's some help:

Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday 26 March 2009

Have fun!

This website is addressed to pet lovers, but the ones who are not may also like to check it out.

Word formation

1. A high level of expenditure has caused a ......... in our funds. DEPLETE

2. He’s very ......... with the government’s handling of the economy. ILLUSION

3. The incident could have ......... consequences for the government. DESIRE

Monday 23 March 2009

Keeping up with accents!

I hope you enjoy this one:

See you folks!

Sunday 22 March 2009

BBC - Learning English site

It's me again!

I've found another interesting site for our practice. I hope you enjoy it!


Saturday 21 March 2009

English Proverbs

A taste of something interesting: English Proverbs

Here follows the link to the site:

I hope you enjoy it!

Let's try this one!

Now complete the gaps with the missing words.

A) You started here as a young man and have worked your _______ to the top.

B) Kevin always switches off when he leaves the office and you'll never catch him talking ___________ .

C) I've been looking for a program that will help me weed ________ all the junk email I keep getting.

Friday 20 March 2009

CPE books

These are the books we'll be using this year.
Let's start using CPE 5 in May.

Monday 16 March 2009

Gimme some CAKE!

Enjoy the ride buddies!


Sunday 15 March 2009

All of us will be champions

I feel very enthusiastic about taking this course. Angela Dias is a perfect moderator as she guides us in a way that softens the pressure of having to study hard. The group is really nice and I'm sure we are going to help each other as much as we can.

We are going to make it!

Fatima Guedes

An easy one to start with.

1. It is difficult to fully …… certain pieces of jazz music until you’ve heard them a good few times.
2. Although I’m always ready to lend a hand, Marta never really seems to ..... the things I do for her.
3.Given the market for decorative antiques, I’d say that the value of that beautiful vase is set to ..... considerably in the next few years

Welcome to the 'CPE for Teachers' Blog!

We are the champions!

Onwards and upwards!